...am 20.02. auf jeden Fall in der Calwer Straße in Stuttgart!

DO. 20. FEBRUAR 2025 | 18 UHR

An diesem Tag präsentiert Charles Fazzino live seine Stuttgart Edition. Noch nie wurde eine seiner Editionen so sehnsüchtig erwartet. Damit dürfte dieses Event schon jetzt die Ausstellung des Jahres 2025 sein!

Letztes Jahr wurde die neue Galerie in Stuttgart mit Charles Fazzino eröffnet – ein überwältigender Erfolg, mit dem weder ich noch mein Team gerechnet haben. Der Dank gehört Ihnen.

Seien Sie auch dieses Mal dabei, wenn Charles mit seinen neuesten Werken und der Stuttgart Edition direkt aus New York kommt.

Als Highlight versprechen wir jedem Besucher einen limitierten Kunstdruck mit einem Ausschnitt aus der Grafik „Art for Stuttgart“.

Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis zum 17.02.2025. E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 0711 810 46 157


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Event start

20. Februar 2025



Charles Fazzino

Live artist

Charles Fazzino
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Charles Fazzino Charles Fazzino

Charles Fazzino, born in New York in 1955, is one of America's best-known artists. The son of a Finnish sculptress and an Italian designer, he appeared at a young age with his first exhibitions after studying at the School of Visual Arts, one of the leading American colleges for art and design. Fazzino established three-dimensional pop art globally and is today the most famous 3-D pop artist in the world. His comic-inspired paintings speak of the lively and glittering life of the metropolises, especially his hometown of New York. But Fazzino has also long since discovered a heart for Europe, as documented by numerous works he has dedicated to cities such as London, Paris, Zurich, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Frankfurt. Fazzino is equally concerned with sporting themes. He is a passionate sports fan and has been the official artist for the American Superbowl for years. For Fazzino, art is, as he says, an elixir of life that makes people smile. Anyone who has experienced the elaborate process by which Fazzino's 3-D works are created knows how to appreciate the artist's artistry and extraordinary talent: First the sketch, then the painting, finally the lithograph. Then the individual pieces are meticulously cut out and precisely pasted in up to three layers to the appropriate places. Only then is a Fazzino work of art complete.

Learn more about Charles Fazzino

Live artist

Charles Fazzino Charles Fazzino

Charles Fazzino, born in New York in 1955, is one of America's best-known artists. The son of a Finnish sculptress and an Italian designer, he appeared at a young age with his first exhibitions after studying at the School of Visual Arts, one of the leading American colleges for art and design. Fazzino established three-dimensional pop art globally and is today the most famous 3-D pop artist in the world. His comic-inspired paintings speak of the lively and glittering life of the metropolises, especially his hometown of New York. But Fazzino has also long since discovered a heart for Europe, as documented by numerous works he has dedicated to cities such as London, Paris, Zurich, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Frankfurt. Fazzino is equally concerned with sporting themes. He is a passionate sports fan and has been the official artist for the American Superbowl for years. For Fazzino, art is, as he says, an elixir of life that makes people smile. Anyone who has experienced the elaborate process by which Fazzino's 3-D works are created knows how to appreciate the artist's artistry and extraordinary talent: First the sketch, then the painting, finally the lithograph. Then the individual pieces are meticulously cut out and precisely pasted in up to three layers to the appropriate places. Only then is a Fazzino work of art complete.

Learn more about Charles Fazzino

Galerie Mensing Stuttgart

Königstraße 21 / corner Stiftstraße
70173 Stuttgart

Tel. 0711 81046157
Fax -

E-Mail: [email protected]

Current opening hours:
Monday - Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

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